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Parents desirous of withdrawing their ward (s) from the school from the ensuing academic session (2018-19) are required to submit prior written application in the month of February itself. Parents applying for withdrawal after the beginning of the new session shall be liable to deposit one month fee.

1.   A calendar month’s notice is to be given before the withdrawal of the student. The responsible person must give the notice in writing for the student. However the fees once paid, including the admission fees will not be refunded nor transferred under any circumstances.

2.   Students who leave without notice and whose names are struck off the rolls for unexplained absence of more than one month are, as a rule, not readmitted.

3.   Parents are requested to notify the office on time when the student leaves the school and also the fees will have to be paid for the full academic year.

4.   The leaving certificate, without which a pupil cannot joint any other school, shall be refused to those who have not paid their fees and other dues.

5.   The leaving certificate should be applied in written by the parents or guardian in the prescribed from along with no dues certificates from the account department and library. A month’s notice must be given before the student leaves the school.

6.   Students who desire to discontinue the school should take their leaving certificate immediately. A fee will be charged if the certificate is taken after one year and if a duplicate is applied for, the procedure prescribed must be followed.

The signatures below indicate the understanding and support of the above information and rules:

______________                 _____________                   ______________

Father’s Signature            Mother’s Signature               Guardian’s Signature          

(If applicable)

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